Tuesday, August 18, 2009

very updated...!!The Update or Our Harrowing Monday Evening

Sorry to have been so long to update Prestons status, but he was doing fine and recoverying well..slowly but well...he had been in the foster care of Kass and Bob (along with their greys....Sebastian, Melody, Leo)and living in Easton. Here is an excerpt for one of Kass' latest blog.....

"The Update or Our Harrowing Monday Evening Well... Things seemed fine yesterday evening until 6:30 when we took him out to "go". And then he peed brown. NOT good. He also got himself all agitated when he got back inside the house -- pacing and quivering and he wouldn't lay down. So Bob physically picked him up and I swept his legs out from under him. When he was down, he relaxed, but he was panting to beat all. So I had Bob dip some towels in cool water and I placed them on him. I also squeezes a wet washcloth into his mouth like they do to men in the desert. He rolled over on his back ("cockroaching" we call it) and made sure I didn't miss his belly. Such a good boy. Then Bob called the vet.They told us to drive him over immediately for a urine test. They said they wouldn't go home until we got there. Alburtis Animal Clinic is peopled with awesome folks!Long story short: his fever was going up and his leg was swelling more and more. So they sent us to the emergency clinic (where he has an appointment with the surgeon this morning anyway) and we admitted him. Dr. Singh was his physician. He is a very caring man and he explained that the primary mission was to get his fever down.They bathed him in ice water and his fever went up. Then they gave him chilled IV fluids and he started to come down slowly and safely. He got IV antibiotics too and pain killers. Through it all, he's been an absolute angel. The staff at the clinic loves him.As of 8:00 am this morning, his fever was under control.The problem now is that his leg is still huge. They've tried massaging it and "milking" it, but it's still full of goo (the vet tech assures me this is a technical term). He's now been transferred to the surgeon who will make his assessment and call me shortly. I will keep you updated...."

He will be having surgery tomorrow to remove the plate and screws from his leg. This should help releive the infection and hopefully help heal the leg faster....
we will be fixing the "donate" tab for the FSGR account, shortly for those who would like to help...stay tuned for further updates....

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