Friday, November 14, 2008

I met Preston!

Doesn't Preston look happy with his Christmas Red bandage?

I'm so excited! I finally got to meet this happy boy. And what a love he is...he is so friendly to everyone, has kisses for all (between him & Josie, I'm covered with dog slobber!). He is so pleasant, even when he's having unpleasant things done to him.

And the news is all good! He had xrays today, which show his fracture healing well. He'll continue to be splinted, and get another set in a month.

AND...his self-inflicted wound is also healing well!! It's filling in and the skin is growing back. We didn't know if it would ever be sufficient to cover the wound, but it's looking as though (paws crossed) thoughts of losing the leg are a thing of the past.

Here is his home away from home, Valley Central. He's down to 3 times a week bandage changes.

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