Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Preston's Holiday Schedule
Preston would also like to attend several other of our December M&G but will need a volunteer to take him as his foster family's schedule is booked up in December.
If you wish to help Preston get out and M&G his adoring fans please contact Christine.
"Borrowing" Preston for a day is sure to be one of the highlights of your holiday.
Thank you,
Christine Guth
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Preston after Thanksgiving
Can you find Preston?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Preston gets to lead a parade...with SANTA!
Preston is about to make his public debut. And it's turned into quite an event! Santa, the Phillipsburg HS Marching Band, even a press's going to be a big deal!
Preston is ready...he has a new red splint, and a red muzzle, and a Christmas collar with all of the misfit appropriate is that? Like them, he's not quite right, and all he wants is a home of his own!
I don't get to go :sniff sniff: so I'll be looking for lots of pictures in my inbox to share in the ezine! ( Have a greyt time, everyone!
Here's the press release:
Phillipsburg Mall Kicks Off The Holidays With A Spectacular Parade
First State Greyhounds and Phillipsburg HS Marching Band to Lead Santa’s Arrival Parade
Phillipsburg, NJ – Santa’s Arrival is a Holiday tradition at malls across the country but this year there’s an extra special treat in store for those who visit Phillipsburg Mall this Saturday, November 15th to welcome the jolly fellow with the gentle smile and sparkly eyes. The rescues of First State Greyhound – and the volunteers of their organization - will be leading Santa’s Arrival Parade along with the Phillipsburg High School Marching Band. The parade will begin at Noon at Phillipsburg Mall’s Entrance 4 and wind throughout the entire mall then finish with Santa’s arrival to his magnificent home in the mall’s Center Court , just outside of H&M. There Santa will welcome the gentle creatures from First State Greyhound along with all the other visitors to Phillipsburg Mall into his beautiful living room, complete with fireplace, big cushiony chair and a wide array of toys and gifts.
The Hounds of First State Greyhound will be walking the mall for a very special purpose this Saturday. They’ll be putting their best paws forward to raise money for one of their fellow racers who has had to deal with some tremendous challenges since being rescued from a Florida race track. Preston , also known as Pony Express in his racing days, has had some overwhelming medical problems since arriving in foster care just two months ago and the non-profit organization is faced with thousands of dollars of expense as a result of the care he has needed. Given the label of “the hard luck hound”, Preston has maintained an upbeat and gentle attitude through his many surgeries and rehabilitation requirements. His ordeal is not yet over and more surgeries and medical attention will be required to get Preston back on all fours. To do this, First State Greyhound rescues, fosters along with the organization’s volunteers will be a part of one of the most spectacular events of the year at Phillipsburg Mall in an effort to help one of their own. And, what is going to make the day even more exciting is that the famous hound himself will be making an appearance. That’s right; Preston will make a short visit to Phillipsburg Mall on Saturday, too, in an effort to bring more awareness to his plight. He’ll be holding court at Santa’s home during the parade and will be the first one to welcome Santa to his home when the parade concludes there!
Preston has become quite a celebrity, far surpassing his racing reign, since arriving in foster care in September of this year. His warm personality and courage in dealing with the many challenges he has had to face have created so much attention that he actually has his own blog on the internet. So, those who want more information on Preston before visiting this magnificent creature celebrity on Saturday at Phillipsburg Mall may get more details by going there –
Thanks to the generosity of Warren Hospital , Phillipsburg Mall will also be presenting a special story-time and craft event on Saturday, November 15th just before the Santa Arrival Parade. Children of all ages are invited to Santa’s home beginning at 11am for this event that will also include free gifts, compliments of the folks at Warren Hospital . The day’s festivities will conclude with one of three very special Holiday performances being provided by the famous Nazareth Brass, a group of tremendously talented musicians headed by Nazareth ’s own Ian Amidon.
For more information about Saturday’s event at Phillipsburg mall, please contact Pam Richetta, Marketing Director. For more details about Preston or First State Greyhound Rescue, please contact Deb DeLucca at 610 559-9744.
I met Preston!
I'm so excited! I finally got to meet this happy boy. And what a love he is...he is so friendly to everyone, has kisses for all (between him & Josie, I'm covered with dog slobber!). He is so pleasant, even when he's having unpleasant things done to him.
And the news is all good! He had xrays today, which show his fracture healing well. He'll continue to be splinted, and get another set in a month.
AND...his self-inflicted wound is also healing well!! It's filling in and the skin is growing back. We didn't know if it would ever be sufficient to cover the wound, but it's looking as though (paws crossed) thoughts of losing the leg are a thing of the past.
Here is his home away from home, Valley Central. He's down to 3 times a week bandage changes.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Come meet Preston!!
For more information, check here:
In the meantime, no news seems to be good news. He continues with every-other-day bandage changes, a nice change from the every day routine.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Preston gets a break from the vet today
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pony Express
Preston...a brief history

Yup, Preston has certainly had more than any hound's share--more than any two hounds' share--of mishaps. Since 8/29/08, he's had...
--His neuter, which was more complicated than most (Of course, he's Preston)
--A bad happy tail incident, which left him bandaged
--A partial removal of his lovely, long, sweeping tail, as the happy tail wouldn't heal (I'm sure they are still finding the blood stains from that one!)
--A further removal of most of the rest of his tail, since his first surgery became infected
And just when it looked like that was all healing up, on a chilly Friday evening (why is it always a Friday night, just after the vet's office closes?), he broke two bones in his front leg! So that earned him a weekend stay in Valley Central's emergency room... and then...
--Surgery to patch him back up with rods, screws & plates
And just when THAT was healing up, he decided to take a good look at his leg ripping up his bandage, and not incidentally his leg. I'll spare you the gory details, but it's not good. Poor boy!
So for the past week, Preston has been facing daily dressing changes at the vet's office. It looks like some of the tissue is filling in, but we're still not sure if it will heal up right...there's just not enough skin to cover it! So Preston's story is may end with him being short another limb...we just don't know yet.
Thank doG for the angels that are caring for him...Chris & Christine Guth, and for Toni Cron and the Link family who have also stepped in for emergency care. This lovely boy is only 3 years old...he has a long & happy life ahead of him once we get him past this!
That is...unless Preston decides on a career as a stunt dog...Heavens forbid!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Preston just got finished watching the World Series roaching with his big blue bandaged leg up in the air....... On Saturday his bandage was red and his vet wrote GO PHILLIES on it.
Preston is a love!